Opportunity to Give

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this e-mail finds you well and enjoying the summer. As you may know I am currently serving as a Peace Corps volunteer (PCV) in a small town in southern coastal Peru. Serving as a PCV in a community means that you live and work with your community to improve various aspects of everyday life like water and sanitation, health, environment, small business and youth development. My assignment is in water and sanitation, but I work in other areas as well. In southern coastal Peru we have about 25 PCVs serving and every year we come together to host two youth camps, one for young men and the other for young ladies ages 11-15. This year I am co-planning the young ladies’ camp with a fellow volunteer and our theme is ‘Reach for the Stars’. The camp is three days and two nights and will be held in Chincha, a town central to most volunteers. Volunteers will bring youth from their sites to spend the weekend exploring career and education opportunities and learning how to write a resume and interview. We will also have a doctor talk about basic sex education and a nutritionist discuss personal health and nutrition. All of our speakers are local professional women working in the region. Last year we focused on community leadership which was a success and we hope for similar results this year.

How will my donation be used?

Once the donation request is filled then the money is sent to me, the volunteer. We will use all the money to fund the camp: pay for food, posters, paper, markers, t-shirts and transport for campers and speakers.

How do I donate?

Go to the following webpage and remember every little bit counts: https://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=donate.contribute.projDetail&projdesc=527-061

Thank you for your time and donation,


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